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Introduction to the muscle chains


By: Izaak Lavarenne

As information multiplies, compares and clusters in all fields, several concepts are reinforced and sometimes become quite telling to break through in popularity. The health field is particularly...
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Lymphatic drainage


By: Clinique Altermed

What is Lymphatic Drainage? Lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate lymphatic circulation and detoxify the body while strengthening the immune system. Manual lymphatic...
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The Trager approach

Osteopathy Physiotherapy Masso-kinesitherapy

By: Clinique Altermed

" ... It is very difficult to write about perception and receptivity which are the essential conditions of my work. It's not a technique or a method, it's an approach. "   According to Dr. Milton...
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Sport Massage: 3 keys

By: Clinique Altermed

What Is Sports Massage? I am always amazed when I travel around the country and ask massage therapists who advertise "sports massage" to define it. While visiting a spa in the Orlando area, I saw...
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Osteopathy and treatment of the jaw (TMJ)

By: Nicolas Duchemin

Shoulder pain, neck pain, headaches, tinnitus, dizziness... What if it came from the jaw?     Very often, the osteopath is led to investigate the causes of the pain at a distance from the place...
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Osteopathic spinal adjustment and gravity

By: Benjamin Amram

Osteopathy is a medicine that aims to restore mobility to areas of the body that are blocked. These blockages can be located at the articular, visceral, cranial level and on all the tissues that...
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Trigger points : what are they and why should I get them treated?

By: Daniel Godin

What are Trigger Points? Trigger points are hyperirritable spots that can be found in any skeletal muscles in the body. These points can be palpated in tight bands of muscles and can irradiate pain...
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What is osteopathy?

By: Clinique Altermed

What is osteopathy? Osteopathy, also known as osteopathic approach is a manual therapy discipline. Its main goal is to help restore the human body's natural equilibrium and harmony. Osteopathy is a...
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Sports injuries and massage therapy

By: Daniel Godin

What exactly is a muscle? A muscle is a band or bundle of tissue fibers that have the ability to contract and relax and contribute to movement. There are 3 types of muscles in the body, skeletal...
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How can we help the body heal itself?

By: Eddy Basch

Imagine a machine that spontaneously repairs itself whenever something goes wrong. Imagine a machine that continuously replaces itself as things wear out. Imagine a machine that is so sensitive that...
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The “magic” of Medicinal Mushrooms

By: Marlene Ghazaly

Cultures through the millenniums have taken mushrooms for multiple uses. These ancient people knew what we are just beginning to discover that medical mushrooms can heal a lot of illnesses. One of...
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Workday stretching session

By: Daniel Godin

Work sitting down most of the week? Back and/or neck hurts at the end of the day? Work station is not very ergonomic? Bad posture that gets worse as the day goes by? There are many of...
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