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Introduction to the muscle chains


By: Izaak Lavarenne

As information multiplies, compares and clusters in all fields, several concepts are reinforced and sometimes become quite telling to break through in popularity. The health field is particularly...
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Lymphatic drainage


By: Clinique Altermed

What is Lymphatic Drainage? Lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate lymphatic circulation and detoxify the body while strengthening the immune system. Manual lymphatic...
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The Trager approach

Osteopathy Physiotherapy Masso-kinesitherapy

By: Clinique Altermed

" ... It is very difficult to write about perception and receptivity which are the essential conditions of my work. It's not a technique or a method, it's an approach. "   According to Dr. Milton...
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The fascias: the cement of your body | Émilie Martel, Masso-Kiné


By: Emilie Martel

FASCIAS: LITTLE-KNOWN ALLIES  In your body, you are endowed with a type of tissue that maintains your organs and ensures your silhouette. It is the connective tissue, also called fascias. To help...
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Massotherapy: Spa VS Clinic | Émilie Martel, Masso-Kinesitherapist


By: Emilie Martel

Many patients find that there is a big difference between massage therapy treatments offered in a spa versus in a clinic. In fact, there are major differences between spa and clinic. Here is a...
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Before you cancel your appointment... | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné


By: Izaak Lavarenne

One more reason not to cancel your prevention appointment! Often, people start to consult (whether it is in masso, physio, osteo, etc) when they have a screaming problem, usually accompanied by real...
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Motivation for physical activity | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné


By: Izaak Lavarenne

Many of us have already tried to start a new physical activity in order to improve our lifestyle. Most of us fail once or several times before we manage to maintain this new change in our lives. Why...
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Analytical Physiotherapy | Didier Gall, Physiotherapist


By: Didier Gall

ANALYTICAL PHYSIOTHERAPY OR MICRO-PHYSIOTHERAPYxxIn physiotherapy, we treat through movement: it is in essence a dynamic therapy and the current biomechanics show us certain aspects of joint mobility....
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By: Emilie Martel

TO END THE EXCUSES!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xxx Ah, the famous New Year's resolutions! My colleague and colleague Izaak Lavarenne, massage therapist and kinesiologist, B.Sc., recently...
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Sport massage by Izaak Lavarenne, masso-kinesitherapist


By: Izaak Lavarenne

Misconceptions about sports massage These days, everyone wants to be in the sportsman's lane, whether it's in terms of lifestyle, nutrition or the various treatments available. In fact, there is a...
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By: Izaak Lavarenne

In the previous installment of this series of articles on neck pain, we discussed how the upper trapezius is often wrongly suspected in cases of neck pain.  In fact, there are many other deeper...
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The links between stress, its hormones and posture | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné


By: Izaak Lavarenne

Stress is a concept that has become ubiquitous, both in our conversations and in our lives.   The public is now aware that particularly prolonged or acute stress has harmful effects. Posture, too,...
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