Breathing | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné
Masso-kinesitherapy Everyone can breathe, right? Wrong! At least that's what many say and I would tend to second that.
It's not that people can't breathe, it's that very few of them know how to breathe properly.
So how...
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Head protraction | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné
Masso-kinesitherapy There are many posture defects, which can sometimes make it difficult for someone who wants to educate themselves on the subject without being overwhelmed by its complexity. Well, today I suggest that...
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How the different types of stretching work | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné
Masso-kinesitherapy The search for the perfect body is becoming more and more obsessive in our society. We are looking for an advantageous silhouette, of course, but more and more disillusioned with the relevance of an...
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