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"Have you done your homework?" 


Christelle Gall

"Have you done your homework?"

Or how to support our child without interfering with their independence.

Parents play a very important role with their child during homework and lesson time. They will supervise them, show interest in what they are doing and motivate them.

However, they cannot take on the role of the teacher, so as not to risk confusing the child's learning. To prevent this homework period from becoming a time of conflict and stress, here are some tips and tricks that may be useful.

I. To accompany our child in a positive way during homework and lessons

Homework and lessons should be considered a special time, an opportunity to spend time with your child, to pass on values such as perseverance, a sense of effort and consistency. The child's motivation is essential. This is why we must not forget to encourage and congratulate them for every effort they make.

1. Plan a routine for the study schedule with the child.

2. Determine with the child an appropriate place to study in order to promote concentration (the television and video game console are closed).

3. Encourage the child in what he/she is doing, value him/her, give him/her strengths and challenges.

4. Leave the child alone to work for a given period of time, with the materials he/she needs: paper, pencils, eraser, dictionary, etc.

5. Intervene as needed and appropriate. At the beginning of elementary school, the presence of the parent is supported. From the third grade on, the child can do his homework alone, but the parents' role is to make sure that the work is completed. However, the child must know that someone is always available to help him or her: to recite lessons, to ask the child to tell the story he or she has just read, to help the child understand the instructions given in an exercise.

6. 6. Find out what they have to do and ask them to verbalize their homework plan. This can help them develop work methods: check off completed tasks, start with the most difficult or least favorite, give them hints for starting an activity.

7. Look at the child's notebooks and work and give positive feedback.

8. Provide the child with resources such as a dictionary, atlas, globe, magazines, newspapers.

9. Create an atmosphere in the home that is conducive to learning.

10. To go further, we can also guide the child in the realization of his personal project.

Be available to do a developmental task with him/her: a game of chess, a chess game, discussion on a current topic, preparation of a discussion on a current topic, preparing a recipe, doing a crossword crossword puzzle, reading the daily newspaper, watching a television program in English when his mother tongue is French...


II. Every problem has its solutions!

To motivate our child to complete his written homework and learn his lessons, we plan an enjoyable activity with him when he/she has finished.

If your child is having difficulty, reassure him/her that it is possible and even normal to have difficulties. The important thing is to find ways to overcome them. Encourage them to do so. It will always be important to show him that you have not stopped believing in his abilities in order to boost his self-confidence.

If difficulties persist and in order to keep your child motivated and confident, do not
motivation and self-confidence, do not hesitate to seek help. Personalized solutions can be brought to you.

Christelle Gall is an elementary school teacher at AlterEduc at theAltermed NDG clinic.
