Aurore Barea

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Aurore Barea - Massotherapist
BSc. (Hons.) in Osteopathy obtained at the Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal (C.E.O.) and validated by the University of Wales (U.K.)
Post-graduate training at the C.E.O., writing a thesis on osteopathic intervention with patients who have experienced a stroke. Andrew Taylor Still Award
Post-graduate training : Brain Dynamics 1 to 4 (Cranial work after trauma, concussion or stroke) and numerous courses in Pediatrics (Plagiocephaly, Breastfeeding, Techniques on children and babies)
Seeing a patient leave my office liberated is what motivates me and makes me happy as an osteopath. And this is the goal I set for myself every day: when I meet with you, my role is to find the cause of your pain, discomfort or uneasiness. I will therefore investigate and listen to your history, your symptoms and relate them to the results of my osteopathic evaluation. My analysis of your data will lead me to treat the cause of your pain or discomfort to allow you to reach a better shape, a better health.
Osteopathy and massotherapy are medicine that are practiced gently and with respect for each individual. At each session, we will discuss together your goals to achieve in order to set up a guideline for your treatments. This is a team effort where you have a key role to play. You are the person who knows your body best. Working together, you bring your knowledge, your feelings and your health history and I bring my knowledge, my techniques and my openness, we collaborate together so that you obtain a better balance and an optimal health.
You ask yourself... why consult? .... to whom are the treatments addressed? Here are some answers...
For all pains or discomforts, whether new or old, located anywhere in your body.
For pain, digestive, respiratory, hormonal, gynecological, nervous, cognitive, immune disorders, etc...
For babies, children, adults, seniors, pregnant women, athletes, musicians, singers, etc...
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to contributing to your health! PS: When I'm not at the clinic, I'm enjoying a nice day of biking. I look forward to meeting you!
Aurore Barea, D.O.